Gorgeous wall art, 3D printed, soothing animations, soothing color palette, handmade paper. Created using software that lets the user control the lighting with a high degree of control. 3D printed frames and bezels harmonize with handmade paper

- WLED [https://kno.wled.ge/]
- ESP8266
- WEMOS Lolin D1 mini [https://www.wemos.cc/en/latest/d1/d1_mini.html]
- WS2812 strip LEDs
- Can be powered from USB power brick or AC adapter.
The build:
- Printed leafs scaled to 90% to fit on my revived LulzBot mini. Scaled in x and y but not z because LED strip still had to fit.
- Hand wired led strips. Around 75 solder connections.
- Built support circuit for D1 mini and cabled to power supply.
- Cut and glued paper diffusers for leaves.
Future additions:
Codebase supports MQTT control of the lighting so make remote buttons or other controls to change different presets or effects.